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Who are the Blind Leading the Blind?

A foolish leader is more dangerous than an ignorant one. In your well-intentioned drive to create change, are you steering it well?

How do you know the change you are creating will lead to a better, more equitable future?

Following a shared framework for leadership, one anchored by the loving nature of Wisdom, guarantees the best results for leaders looking to lead society towards TRUE PROGRESS.

We are Changemakers for a Wise Society


Foolish Genius: Changemakers for a Wise Society is written for Changemakers who want to create positive, equitable, and sustainable change. Many seek to create change, but the common approach can instigate a future much worse than the past. Through Foolish Genius, you will:​





Receive a foundation upon which you can build your vision for a better future.

Implement a framework that connects your personal development with large-scale social change.

Build the creative fortitude to develop a sense of purpose and ethically harness your leadership style.

Gain a timeless perspective on Wisdom that will affect every facet of your life. 

Hear from Changemakers

Dr. Tom Edwards

PhD, Education and Leadership, Founder of Community LifeCenter

Community Development

"David Mahan not only waxes philosophical about the ills and pitfalls of society, but also provides a framework for sparking change. This is the genius of Mahan. Through careful scholarship and historical analysis, he takes the reader on an intellectual journey that culminates in this, a step-by-step instructional manual and toolbox that equips and motivates burgeoning Changemakers."

Political Leadership

"Foolish Genius reveals the treasure of wisdom conceptually and practically with determined writing, and inspires leaders to become Wisdom-led Changemakers."

Adam Josefczyk

President and Co-Founder, Forge Leadership Network, and William F. Buckley Jr. Award Winner 

Kenny McDonald

President and CEO Columbus Partnership, named "Top 50 Economic Developers in North America" Consultant Connect, 2015, 2020, 2021.

Economic Development 

"Foolish Genius is an ambitious book packed full of practical insights. Congrats to David on this impressive work!"

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